par Rosemary DuMont Il y a 17 années
Plus de détails
* Evidence of valid and reliable methodology for collecting baseline data, monitoring partnership activities, and reporting outcomes; and,
* Clearly articulated plan for an external evaluation to assess the partnership’s impact.
* Cost sharing (recommended at 25% of the award amount), including expected cash or in-kind contribution from all the partners;
* Demonstrated cost-effectiveness in program design; and,
* Equitable distribution of funds between U.S. and host country partners.
Expertise and Collaboration (15 points)
* Professional credentials and expertise of the individuals responsible for managing the partnership;
* Partnership personnel’s knowledge and experience in the proposed host country or in other MENA countries with a similar context; and,
* Evidence of institutional commitment (engagement of faculty, students, and administrators) among all partners and degree of collaboration in designing and implementing activities.
Outcomes and Results (20 points)
* Likelihood of achieving objectives as stated in the RFA;
* Feasibility of the work plan to achieve outcomes as stated in the RFA;
* Evidence that partnership activities will promote participation of women and/or girls; and,
* Evidence of plans to sustain partnership outcomes beyond the period of the award.
Partnership Design (30 points)
* Evidence of fit of program design and activities with objectives stated in the RFA;
* Evidence of joint planning for proposed new or enhanced courses, curricula, and/or degree programs;
* Adequacy of joint planning for faculty development;
* Feasibility of suggested activities for students;
* Viability of the implementation plan and timetable; and,
* Appropriate balance of activities at the U.S. and MENA partner institutions.
Educational Need and Alignment with MEPI Goals (10 points)
* Clearly defined need for creation, expansion or enhancement of existing academic degree programs within one of the target areas specified in the RFA; and,
* Likelihood that the planned activities will contribute to MEPI’s goal of sustainable reform of higher education in the MENA region.
6. Appendices (Attachments beyond the stated appendices will not be read nor taken into consideration):
* Annual workplan for the funding period (Use HED form).
* Budget forms (Use HED form. Complete all tabs).
* Résumés of the proposed U.S. institution director(s) and host institution personnel, not to exceed 2 one-sided pages per person.
* Signed letters of support from the presidents, chancellors, or other chief executive officers of the cooperating institution in the United States.
* Signed letters of support from appropriate university leaders of the overseas partner institution as well as partnership directors. University leaders from the overseas partner may include deans, rectors, or university presidents.
* Signed letter from appropriate official at applicant institution verifying that all costs cited conform to established institutional policies and practices.
Narrative (not to exceed 20 typed, double-spaced pages, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) Address the criteria listed in Application Review Guidelines I-VI (see above).
The 20-page application must describe a monitoring and reporting plan for the partnership, including an initial baseline assessment, that shows how progress and results will be communicated and reported to MEPI and USAID through HED.
(not to exceed 3 typed, double-spaced pages, 12-point font, 1-inch margins). The abstract should contain a summary of the narrative, workplan and budget.
Applications must be received at HED by 5:00PM, Eastern Time (ET), May 23, 2008. Faxed or electronically transmitted applications will not be accepted. All elements of the application must be received by the deadline. HED recognizes that original, signed cover letters and letters of support from overseas partners may be subject to delays due to factors beyond the applicant’s control. Only in these exceptional cases, faxed or scanned copies of the application title page and letters that include all necessary signatures may be submitted in the application, provided signed originals are received at HED within seven (7) calendar days of the deadline.
Applicants should submit the original application plus seven (7) hard copies of the complete application package containing title page, table of contents, abstract, narrative, and appendices (all on loose-leaf paper, clipped together — no three-ring binders, staples, or plastic bindings), and a diskette or CD (with files saved as Microsoft Word/Excel for PC) containing the entire application, including all budget forms, budget narrative, and other appendices.
Applications should be sent to: (*NOTE: This is a NEW address)
U.S.-Middle East University Partnerships Program: 2008
Higher Education for Development
1 Dupont Circle NW, Room 1B30
Washington, D.C. 20036-1193
Once an application has been received, there is to be no contact with the HED program office until the completion of the peer review process in order to ensure fairness to all parties concerned.