Catégories : Tous - inverse - functions - domains - properties

par Rico Tan Il y a 12 années


VM266 0847

The text covers the fundamental identities and properties related to hyperbolic and inverse trigonometric functions. It begins by presenting key hyperbolic 'Pythagorean' identities, such as the relationships involving hyperbolic cotangent, cosecant, tangent, and secant functions.

VM266 0847

Hyperbolic "Pythagorean" Identities

coth^2 (x) - 1 = csch^2 (x)

1 - tanh^2 (x) = sech^2 (x)

cosh(x) - sinh(x) = 1

VM266 0847

Curious aren't you?

Chapter 10: Improper Integrals

10.4 Integrals with discontinuity in between
10.3 Integrals with infinite limits
10.2 More indeterminate forms
10.1 0/0, inf/inf
L'hopital's Rule
Cauchy's Formula

Chapter 8: Hyperbolics, Inverse Trig

8.4: Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
arc csch x

(d/dx) arc csch x

arc sech x

(d/dx) arc sech x

arc coth x

(d/dx) arc coth x

arc tanh x

(d/dx) arc tanh x

arc cosh x

(d/dx) arc cosh x

arc sinh x

(d/dx) arc sinh x

8.3: Hyperbolic Functions
csch x

csch(x) = 1 / sinh(x) = 2 / (e^x - e^(-x))

Integral of csch u

Integral of csch(x)coth(x) = -csch x + C

(d/dx) csch u

sech x

sech(x) = 1 / cosh(x) = 2 / (e^x + e^(-x))

Integral of sech u

Integral of sech(x)tanh(x) = -sech x + C

(d/dx) sech u

coth x

coth (x) = cosh(x) / sinh (x) = (e^x + e^(-x)) / (e^x - e^(-x))

Integral of coth u

Integral of csch^2 x = -coth x + C

(d/dx) coth u

tanh x

tanh (x) = sinh(x) / cosh(x) = (e^x - e^(-x)) / (e^x + e^(-x))

Integral of tanh u

integral of sech^2 x = tanh x + C

(d/dx) tanh u

cosh x

cosh x = [(e^x) + (e^-x)] / 2

Integral of cosh u

Integral of sinh x = cosh x + C

(d/dx) cosh u

sinh x

sinh x = [(e^x) - (e^-x)] / 2

Integral of sinh u

integral of cosh x = sinh x + C

(d/dx) sinh u

8.1 + 8.2: Inverse Trigonometric Functions
arc csc

If arc csc(x) = y, then csc(y) = x

x must be defined on (-inf, -1] U [0, inf)

y must be defined on [-pi/2, pi/2], hole at 0

(d/dx) arc csc(x) = -1/x(rad(x^2 -1))

i) csc(arc csc(x)) = x; if x is defined on (-inf, -1] U [1, inf)

ii) arc csc(csc(x)) = x; if x is defined on [-pi/2, pi/2], hole at 0

arc sec

If arc sec(x) = y, then sec(y) = x.

x is defined on (-inf, -1] U [1, inf)

y is defined on [0, pi/2) U [pi, 3pi/2)

(1/a) arc sec(u/a) + C

(d/dx) arc sec(x) = 1/x(rad(x^2 -1))

i) sec(arc sec(x)) = x; if x is defined on (-inf, -1] U [1, inf)

ii) arc sec(sec(x)) = x; if x is defined on [0, pi/2} U [pi, 3pi/2)

arc cot

If arc cot(x) = y, then cot(y) = x.

x is defined on (-inf, inf)

y is defined on [0, pi]

(d/dx) arc cot(x) = -1/(1 + x^2)

i) cot(arc cot(x)) = x; if x is defined on (-inf, inf)

ii) arc cot(cot(x)) = x; if x is defined on (0, pi)

arc tan

If arc tan(x) = y, then tan(y) = x.

x is defined on (-inf, inf)

y is defined on (-pi/2, pi/2)

(1/a) arc tan(u/a) + C

(d/dx) arc tan(x) = 1/(1 + x^2)

i) tan(arc tan(x)) = x; if x is defined on (-inf, inf)

ii) arc tan(tan(x)) = x; if x is defined on (-pi/2, pi/2)

arc cos

if arc cos(x) = y, then cos(y) = x.

x is defined on [-1, 1]

y is defined on [0, pi]

(d/dx) arc cos(x) = -1/rad(1 - x^2)

i) cos(arc cos(x)) = x; if x is defined on [-1. 1]

ii) arc cos(cos(x)) = x; if x is defined on [0, pi]

arc sin

If y = arc sin(x), then sin(y) = x.

domain of arc sin [-1, 1]

range of arc sin [-pi/2, pi/2]

arc sin(u/a) + C

(d/dx) arc sin(x) = 1/rad(1 - x^2)


i) sin(arc sin(x)) = x; if x is defined on [-1,1]

ii) arc sin(sin(x)) = x; if x is defined on [-pi/2, pi/2]

Chapter 7: Inverses, Ln, e

7.5: Exponentials
(d/dx) log base a of x
e as a limit
a^x = e^(xln(a))

integrals of a^x and a^u

integral of a^x = (1/ln(a)) * a^x + C

integral of a^u = (1/ln(a)) * a^u + C

(d/dx)a^x = (a^x) ln(a)

7.4: Integration
Derivations of integral of trig functions



tan(u) and cot (u)

integral of e^x

integral of e^u

integral of 1/x

integral of 1/x = ln(x) + C

integral of 1/u

7.3: The letter e
Definition of e

e is a positive number where ln(e) = 1 <=> e is the base of ln(x)


(d/dx) e^x & (d/dx) e^u

Properties of Exponents

1. (e^p)(e^q) = e^(p+q)

2. (e^p)/(e^q) = e^(p-q)

3. (e^p)^q = e^pq

7.2: Logarithms
Logarithmic Differentiation Guildelines

Given a differentiable equation, do the following to differentiate logarithmically:

1. Take ln of both sides


3. Multily by the initial equation.

Ptoperties of logarithms

1. log base x of x => ln(e) = 1

2. log(a) + log(b) = log(ab)

3. log(a) - log(b) = log(a/b)

4. a log(b) = log(b^a)


More basic stuff: log base a of y = x, then y = a^x

Definition of natural log

The natural logarithmic function is a logarithm with base e.

In addition, it is also found that...

ln(x) = integral {(1/t) dt} from 1 -> x


If x > 1, ln(x) = integral {(1/t) dt} from 1 -> x

If 0 < x < 1, -ln(x) = integral {(1/t) dt} from x -> 1

integral of ln(x)

Derived using integration by parts!!!

(d/dx) ln(x) = 1/x

Shortcut proof:

1. By defn of ln's, ln(x) = integral {(1/t) dt} from 1 -> x.

2. ln(x) must be differentiable because it is the antiderivative of something (1/t)

3. (d/dx) ln(x) = (d/dx) integral {(1/t) dt} from 1 -> x

4. (d/dx) ln(x) = 1/x, the derivative of an integral of a function is the function itself.


(d/dx) ln(u) = (1/u)du


1. let y = f(x) = ln(u)

2. (dy/dx) = (dy/du)(du/dx)

3. f'(x) = (d/du) ln(u) * du

(d/dx) ln(u) = u'/u

integral of (1/u) du = u'/u; given that u is a function.

Proven from chain rule of (d/dx) ln(x)

(d/dx) ln(u) = (d/du) ln(u) * (du/dx) = (1/u)du

7.1: Inverses
Inverse Function

The inverse of a function that maps from D -> R is the function that maps from R -> D.

Let y = f(x) be a 1 - 1 function that maps from D - > R. A function g is the inverse of f where the R(f) = D(g) and D(f) = R(g).

Therefore, y = f(x) <=> x = g(y)

The inverse function g is denoted as f^-1

Derivative of an inverse fn.

g(f(x)) = x; f(g(x)) = y

If g is the inverse of f, then...

i) g(f(x)) = x for every x in D(f)

ii) f(g(x)) = x for every x in R(f)


Ver1 proof is set as hyperlink

Ver2 proof URL:

1-1 Functions

1 - 1 functions are functions that never takes the same value twice.

More formally:

1. Let f be a function that maps from D -> R

2. For every x in D, there exist a unique R.

- Let x1, x2 be in D

- f(x1) is not = f(x2)


A) #2 implies the converse: for every y in R, there exist a unique x in D

B) Graphically, a function is 1 - 1 if a horizontal line never intersects the function's curve twice.

Every increasing/decreasing function is 1 - 1

Chapter 9: More integration

9.6 Other substitution tricks
9.5 Integrals with Quadratic Expressions

1. Look for a quadratic equation in the integrand.

2. Complete the square.

3. a. set u = the perfect square from the completed square

b. solve for x using u.

4. plug in u accordingly and and x as well

5. evaluate integral

9.4 Integrls of Rational Functions
Use partial fractions then evaluate integral
9.3 Trig. Substitions

x = a sinb if rad(a^2 - x^2) is in the integrand

x = a tanb if rad(a^2 + x^2) is in the integrand

x = a secb if rad(x^2 - a^2) is in the integrand

9.2 Trig. Integrals of different powers
9.1 Integration by Parts

integral of (u dv) = uv - integral of (v du)