Catégories : Tous - relationships - purpose - work - identity

par Laura González Il y a 4 années


Work and being: The meanings of work in contemporary society

Work and being: The meanings of work in contemporary society

By: Laura Andrea González Gamboa

Work is considered good and necessary

Appeared machinery

The labor was the origin of individual ownership

Noble work was reserved for tasks done by priests and other church leaders

Made by the lower classes

Said to brutalize the mind, making man unfit for thinking of truth

Central to survival

Work and being: The meanings of work in contemporary society


Historical development
Gatherer–hunter societies

Greeks and romans

Early doctrines of the Catholic Church

17th century

18th century (Industrial Revolution)

Actual Catholic Church doctrines

Feudal societies

Consequences of loosing or not having it
Mental health problems
High levels of depression
Lower levels of life satisfaction and happiness
Stress levels
Emotional instability
Ways in which we should understand it
A source

Income and security

Feelings of self-worth and self-esteem

Generate a feeling of pride about what was done

Provides sense of mattering to the person

Purpose in life

It allows us to set goals and work for them

Opportunities to develop important skills and creativity

Work experiences teach us different skills

Relationships outside the family

Allows people to establish relationships whit coworkers

Self identity

You do, therefore you are

We are defined privately and socially by our work

The primary activity of lives

Is a core activity of most people

Provides coherence in life

Ways in which it has been understood
A set of involving activities

Have an economic value

According with externally established rules

Supervised by other individuals

With an externally imposed time schedule

Is doing for an economic reward

Work only with the purpose of producing goods and services

That scales and measures of it have been missing what work means in worker's life