Catégories : Tous - understanding - multiplication

par WY Lim Il y a 10 années



Understanding percentages is often challenging for students, especially when the base is non-conventional. This can lead to confusion, particularly in word problems involving discounts, GST, and interest.


Yong Shoun's personal reflection : • There has been a focus on students and teachers using technology to make concepts, reasoning and connections visible to students, which will otherwise remain abstract or be obscured from the students. The ICT solution for this will be topic specific. • What can be further leveraged with using technology is to make students’ thinking visible to teachers as part of formative assessment. ICT solution for this, on the other hand, is not topic specific.

Learning Issues

Main topic


Inability to use the most efficient method for word problem questions

Nan Hua: Mensuration

Suggested Lesson (6th Aug)
Task Design

ICT for Maths

Use of GSP and Padlet

Easy to replicate figures via GSP

Lesson 2: Circumference Investigation

Lesson 1: Pi

Use ICT to vocalize students' thoughts, hands on learning, enhance visualization skills, ritualize thinking routine

Finding relationships of circles within circles

Versus: ICT (more accurate values)

Traditionally, hands on paper-cutting

Learners' Difficulty

What challenges do students face?

Scaffolding strategies

Aim of activity is to see the relationship between radius and diameter. Next activity is to see the relationship between big and small diameter for circles within circles of varying sizes.

Use a platform to discuss their exploration strategy. Hide the column and find out what they come up with

Metacognition is important

guide them to specific columns

Ask them to seek trends between values in the columns

relationship between circumference of small circle within big circle

Generate multiple cases to see a pattern

Using GSP, understanding value of pie.

Suggested lesson
big semi circle with two small identical semi circle inside. Question: find perimeter of shaded parts

PK: Current pedagogy of teaching?


Cut and paste, shifting of shapes

cut and paste is more challenging in general

which is more suitable?

Based on last year's PSLE circle question, surprised teachers

Increasing the alternative problem solving methods?

Has to emerge in eventual lesson. Giving them a range of problem solving methods. Draw on affordances of visualization, supported by technology to see the mathematical relationship. Through GSP applet, designed activity to elicit what is/is not the relationship


Make assessment. To discard existing practices?

Not the case.


Still in midst of developing the platform

create a context for students to use that tool to justify certain things.

Aim is for students to discover the relationship

Discover relationship and pattern through GSP

Using TPACK to see relationships more efficiently

Without GSP, currently help them see basic shapes/patterns. For more challenging problems, break down the question into smaller portions.

PK: How teachers teach this sort of problems?

Relationship between the radius and the diameter

cut short alot of time on calculation and help with visualization

cultivate alternative way of thinking about such a problem

Using formula and prior knowledge

Concerns: time consuming esp in exam context

CK: Content knowledge not an issue. Concern is students not adopting the most efficient solution.

Proposed solution: 1) part by part 2) short cut

Concerns: time consuming to draw so many figures and manually calculate. GSP enables various diagram and auto calculate. Pupils focus on analysing the data instead of the calculation. Gives more examples in a shorter period of time.

Use GSP to derive shortcut

Inability to relate ratio of the parts to the whole, hence making calculations inefficient
Relation of a smaller circle within a larger circle

Keming: Ratio (P5)

Lesson objective

Able to convert percentage to decimal and vice versa, given any context

exploratory, inductive

Assess their level of understanding. Sift out their misconceptions and addressit accordingly

Instil skill ofgenerating patterns

PCK reasoning: by establishing the r/s and see for themselves that base of percentage is 100, and r/s to decimal, their knowledge and then be transferrable

Use the mathematical conversion platform, guided by Cynthia.

Concept of relationship between decimal and percentage. Vice versa

Learning Issue 2: Solving word problems Students are confused to syntheise the information given i.e. could not see the relationships between concepts.
Learning Issue 1: Students are unable to relate ratios to real life applications

Use of questioning

Encourage students to justify their thought processes

address miconception through questions

Help students make overt their reasoning

Leverage on ICT tools

Use multiple representation to encourage student discussion

Connecting communication to concepts

Authentic learning

From the point of view of the learner

Encourage student articulation/discussion, reasoning

Potential ICT tools

Excel folder using formulas

Exchange rate

differentiated tasks

Fraction is a pertinent issue among students


Relative quantity

Big idea behind Fraction/thinking skills involved/mathematical reasoning

How to link fraction to ratio?

Action needed to help students understand the concept of fraction


See equal parts


Consistency of familiar words

Importance of communication

Connection gets disrupted if discourse/instructional words between topics changes. Students may then find it challenging to draw the link moving from topic to topic

Manipulative methods

Inability to relate to real life scenarios/Dissociation with real life

Solution: inter level connectedness between topics.

How to help students understand the link?

Instruction design: guide student through conversation and action to see the link via multiple representation through ICT tools. Importance of teachers' questioning.

Fraction(P5): added dimension- part of the same and different whole. Students find it challenging to grasp this concept

Relate to real life applications

Solution: ratio of syrup and water needed to make drinks.

Eg: exchange rate. Students are not familiar

solution: use more concrete and physical examples (concrete manipulatives). Eg: mass, money

students find it challenging to grasp abstract concept

every fraction is anchored by a whole

students get hands-on experience, kinaesthetic learning


What is the underlying concept of fraction?

Comparison of 2 or more quantities

equal parts of a whole (fraction/ratio)

quantities are of equal part

Derived from equal division/sharing

Equal parts of a whole


Related representations

Relevance to real life situations

relationship with other topics. Fractions, percentages. Craft task to relate all 3 topics. Multi representation of ratios

At P4 level, able to leverage on decimal to see the link between ratio and fraction


Word Problems
Learning Issue 3: Parts of a set
Learning Issue 2: Simplification
Learning Issue 1: Identifying Fractions


24th Sept Lesson Suggestion
Thinking aloud via ICT, constructing parallelogram

sketch and geogebra reasoning

padlet on composite figure, address learning issues
Lesson Suggestion


Use of manipulation

Use of Edmodo

Upload to youtube

Use of geogebra platform

Use of screencast-o-matric to record the process

exposure to various shapes

Measurement specific

Practise their construction skills

Construct what they intend to construct

Geometrical Construction
Drawing 4-sided Figures
Drawing Triangles
Learning Issue 2: Drawing interior or exterior angle
Learning Issue 1: Using a protractor
Drawing Angles
Measuring Angles
Estimating Angles
Understanding the various properties of angles & lines

Choa Chu Kang: Productive failure

Lesson Reflection (6th Aug)
Moving forward

Developing a platform to discuss each others' thinking process/reflection

especially useful for problems with multiple solutions

Parking the cognitive artifact

Questioning: seeing the part whole relationship

Proportional reasoning

Using comparisons as a form of scaffolding

Lesson flow

Presentation videos

P5 HA group: 50% found the answer. P5 LA group: made assumptions that led to obstacles, brainstormed and eventually was able so solve


Implemented with 2 classes in CCK

1 Ha, 1 Ma

Learning through failure

Use specific structure to justify their reasoning

Improve confidence. Enhance logical thinking process. Improve the way they structure their thought processes on paper

Understand their problemsolving process

Why agree/disagree

App to capture their discourse

Verbalise problem solving process in proper mathematical language

Free app

Screen Cast Omatic. Allows teachers to select any screen of choice on the laptop. Play, record, over ride. Can publish it out on the website. Similar function to what was suggested

TPACK: use youtube/LMS to exploit mobility for further analysis

Concerns: platform for students to showcase thought processes?

peer assessment

learning as a class

more vocal students can give constructive feedback

Suggested lesson plan

student presentation to class

share ideas and learn from each others' mistakes

to surface misconceptions

What is the anticipated misconceptions?

Qn2: conveniently think of a concept that can best solve the problem. will not check for accuracy based on reasoning

within that group, students may teach each other and get the problem right.

group discussion precedes presentation by one group member to the class

use of ipad app for explanation

IT platform (software) allows recording of students' scribbles, audio and thinking process

Concerns: pen and paper first? Every group given ipad with question embedded. write on ipad and explain. recorded on ipad simultaneously. later link to projector for presentation.

recording can be edited at any point. dont have to start from the beginning

can import it to youtube/email back. look at platform via askNlearn/myCloud so that they can submit their work to us

problem solving process will be recorded

similar problem sums across the 3 classes

3 questions of increasing difficulty

Concerns: time consuming

groups of 3

randomly assigned

Each group 1 question

first question to boost confidence

conducted in 3 classes


Design for failure to happen
after which, give students experience to play with different ideas to lead towards the correct conception
another PCK
Radical method-Teacher posed on the qns

Beacon :Decimals (P4)

Suggested Lesson (Introduction to P4 Decimals)
Pedagogical knowledge (existing):
Challenges (content knowledge): place value, not able to convert fraction to decimal. use prior knowledge on fractions to transit to decimals. confusion with relative size due to expression of fractions in words (eg: thousandths etc)
Prior knowledge: Money sense. Aim: How to bridge the gap linking it with prior topic on fractions, tenth place value for decimals. Strategy: daily experiences relavant to students Share on class blog.
Number Sense of the size of the quantity is very important
no sense-place value

Pupil must do a print screen when they do the no line when they do the comparison during the comparison a+b, c-d etc--> have 2 no line

mulitple cases/ qns e.g. case 1: craft qns common cases and misconceptions then come up with generalisation

pupils must show no line / base 10- they must see and the growth of two number lines, no blocks

Pupils must be able to articulate 0.17 + 3 = 17 tenths + 3 ones i.e. 3 ones is bigger than 17tenths.

Note: 2/3 periods-Teachers must explore the base 10 block and no line online-or to construct in excel. confirmation of blog design ( if we do reciprocal teaching)
PCK- Pedagogy

PCK-maths rationalization with use of blogs


TPACK- no line in excel

role of the technology for the idea formation i.e. it has to be articulated

need to document in the blogs- inquiry and no sensing based on the multiple cases/ qnsmaths rationalisation- to help in the deconstruction,

reciprocal teaching

1. no line ( manipulate on online) , 2. base 10 blocks ( pictorial or concrete=the same)

PCK-multiple representation

PCK-Case base learning- pupils articulate how to work out and then come out with the generalisation- reason using the modality
To hear the articulation in the class blog about the no sense

What is common about this numbers? 0.7 or 0.75 ( pictorial/ % ) to hear the differnet representation.

To be able to tell us the next learning objective

pupils must know the comparison concept

pupils must know place values

pupils must know the literacy part- hundred/hundredths

pupils must know what are the jargons

Then we lead to the 4 operations
use of the number line
Proposed solution
Experiential learning

Anchored by understanding of fundamentals such as number lines etc to diminish fear of progressing forward

Multiple representations


Direct instructions

Problem based learning

Deconstructive activities

Duplicate CoP (among teachers) in the classroom with students

Process and thinking- focused. Provide a platform for students to represent their thinking and discourse. After which, work with students through constructive feedback.

Inquiry based learning

Teacher scaffolding

Rationale: Able to tap and build on prior knowledge

teacher-directed. room for student practice in differentiated instructions. teacher-modelling, teacher as a facilitator. give cyclical practice opportunities (repeated practice of sense making) to help them understand the concept. modelling and telling-->student practice; teachers as facilitator, teacher gives feedback--> consolidate as a class

Help students understanding the importance of decimals in their lives

Rationale for variation within the numerical system: we need smaller denominations when we use money

Students' understanding of mathematical thinking/reasoning/depth in conception more than mathematical representation

leverage on students' prior knowledge (eg: fraction) to help students best relate to the topic of interest

Learning reveals itself through actions. Dependent on experiential learning (prior knowledge).

Tapping on prior knowledge

Which number is bigger, 7/10 or 0.75? in the number line/class blog

Linking to Fraction

making use of the prior knowledge of the mathematical words- concrete, picttorial,e.g. 7 tenths, 7/10, place values

Using a benchmark to trigger students' reasoning (more/less)

Number line

to give them a sense of a quantity

Use concept of fraction as bridge to representation in decimals (parts vs whole; equivalence)


How is it connected to decimals?

Help them understand place values.

Linking money to decimals

How to anchoring of the topic--

Broaden the decimals, approx

Both money and decimal's numeration system includes base 10.

Challenges: form/structure is similar but underlying concept is different.

How to link one to tenths?

Challenges: syllabus order.

Tools to be used in teaching
different representations

use cubes, coins

class blog
screencast for voice up
SSM resources
IWB flipchart
Application of Decimals in real life

Hinders their ability to tackle non routine questions

Concept of tenths and hundredths

Proposed solution: audio heuristics

Relative value

Concept of place values
Unable to see decimals relating to fractions
Unable to recognize the place value of tenths, hundredths etc.

"Careless Mistakes"

Conceptual error
Transfer error (from questions)
Misread question
Computational error

Fuhua: Percentage

Lesson Implementation (6th Aug)


Online whiteboard space

Teacher explored and find it challenging

Lesson Progress

Deconstruction shown in their working

2-3 groups used model to solve. Others used percentage

Platform:Mimio (in house platform) Restrictive because one page at a time. Varying handwriting size and also challenging to write with stylus

Compare and contrast their problem solving process

Word problem. Varying level. Part whole relationship.
Lesson Objective

Examine their thought processes as a class

Cyclical approach

Increasing level of difficulty

Identifying the BASE to use
"OF" (indicate multiplication) the "cost price"

"OF" implies a derivation from something

When the base is non-conventional (eg: 5/7 % of something), students get confused. See numerical quantity of the % at its face value

Percentage is a system for comparison using the baseline of 100

Contextualizing the question
Application of Percentage in real life

Use of multiple situations

Case base pedagogy

multiple small scenarios/ iteration of knowledge to help students see patterns (easy-->difficult conversion of bases)

Ability to transfer knowledge exhibits understanding

Understanding terminologies such as discount/GST and relationship to content of maths lesson

issue in solving word problems involving discount, GST, interest and respective BASE to use.

Going back to fundamentals: concepts (abstract) embedded in contextualized activities linked to students' experiences

Meaning making of percentages

Repeated practice will potentially lead to improvement

Foundational students

Role play: Shopping with the aim of getting the best discount with a designated amount of money

Assumption: procedural knowledge is not an issue

Word problem using conventional base. Transitional activities: tightly contextualized, highly relevant to students' daily lives/experiences (authentic learning)

Pupils view a percentage as a number rather than part of an amount (whole)
conceptualization issue

Foundation kiids


Lower ability: tackle conceptual understanding

Division and Multiplication

Conditions of Proposed Solution:

Area & Perimeter of Composite Figures

short cut using technology (GSP)

discover relat

students focus on analyzing data rather than calculations

allows you to have various diagrams

Conditions of Proposed Solution:
Role of ICT

How shapes interact through the use of ICT, but at the same time allowing them a platform to also pose questions, craft questions and share their reasoning.

Spatial visualization skills:

Observation in pupils who are able solve: 1. Ability of pupils to simplify the question. 2. Ability of the pupils to visualize the different shapes

Need for pupils to articulate their thinking and how they solve the problems. Sharing of the process allows them to learn and discover the different ways of solving (Metacognition - discuss, think aloud & reflect).
Developing habits in pupils not to jump into procedural approach. (Metacognition - discuss, think aloud & reflect)
Understanding beyond formula (reasoning)
Pupils do not venture into alternative methods of solving as they are too used to using a single method. (fixation caused by procedural teaching)
Pupils launch directly into the procedural aspect of problem solving without applying (1) reasoning (2) thinking, e.g. identifying patterns.
Pupils may think that they will have to find the areas of the different figures, rather than rearranging the figures.
Assumption: Pupils are able to solve (knowledge qns?) discrete routine questions. Higher order qns involving rearrangement of shapes/lines in composite fig requires more scaffolding (be more specific about the challenges)
non routine, multiple solutions to a single problem, non-linear prescription as a pedagogy