7 year war
When did the 7 year war take place?

Another battle happened in September 1759 which was lead by a British man, Major James Wolfe who attacked Quebec on the Plains of Abraham. Even though James defeated Montcalm, both men died in war.

The result gave the British control over
Quebec. Also the French's power began to decline.

The 7 year war took place from 1756-1763
What was the 7 year war?
The 7 year war was viewed as History's first World War and the war was about France and Britain fighting to rule the new world.
The British wanted to weaken the French colony control on the New land. In 1754 before the War was even declared, tensions were rising between the British and the French along the Ohio river. The British also sent George Washington. He attacked some forts but got defeated.
The French built forts to stake their claim on the land.

In 1756 a French commander
Marquis de Montcalm arrived in New France and a month
later Britain declared war.

In 1756 Montcalm captured Fort Oswego
and got control over the Great lakes. In 1757
he and his men also captured Fort William Henry
on lake George.

In 1758 the British launched several attacks
on French Forts such as Louisburg. They also
conquered Fort Frontenac.
In July 26 1758 Fort Louisburg was overthrown.
Where did this War take place?

It took place in Europe, India, The Americas, and even at sea.
Who was involved in this war?
France, Sweden, Austria, Saxony. Britain, Russia, Prussia and Hanover were involved in the war.

In Europe there was tension between Austria and Prussia but since Prussia was their ally, Britain helped them but mainly because they wanted to weaken France.

Because of that France allied with Austria and committed their army to helping at the European front.

Britain not only attacked France in Europe, but in the seas and colonies too.
Britain gained a lot of control but they went into debt because of all the money spent into military. France was not in control of New France but they were given Guadeloupe, Newfoundland
and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.