Seven year war
Where did it take place?
Hudson bay
General Wolfe and General Montcalm
General Wolfe was one of the British best
Generals. He had lead his army to attack
the French 2 times only. On the first attack,
he had attacked from the beauport shore.
After that, the French General Montcalm thought that the British would attack from there again, but Wolfe lead
his army from the west and had killed a lot of
the French people. The French had also killed a lot of the British. Both Generals died in that war.
The thin red line
The British soldiers in their red uniforms stood shoulder
to shoulder in three lines, one behind another. Every
soldier had his musket loaded. Montcalm and his soldiers
rushed out of Quebec and advanced on the British. As
they advanced, the French lines got stretched out, and
gaps formed. By the time they got close enough to fire,
the soldiers were tired and out of breath. Their shots
were not effective.
The fight ended when
the French had retreated
and the Quebec came
under the British control.
Causes of the war
The loss of Acadia
Acadia was France's second colony in eastern North America.
The king never seemed to give it as much attention as New
France received; the military seemed to concentrate its efforts on
defending New France. So Acadia was vulnerable to attack.