A developmental perspective

A critical, or a sensitive period?

This debate has been expressed scientifically
though studies of the impacts of extreme deprivation
and abuse.

n many poverty contexts, physical and psycho-social risks co-occur and interact in long term outcomes.

Studies of children moved into a positive environment with adoptive families paint a more optimistic picture, consistently demonstrating improvements in social, emotional and intellectual functioning.

Implications of neuroscience

A newborn's brain is composed of trillions of neurons...The experiences of childhood determine which neurons are used, that wire the circuits of the brain. Those neurons that are not used may die.

The earliest months of life are also the period of most rapid synapse formation – constructing the dense networks of neural connectivity.

Human neurological development requires basic elements consistent with secure, stimulating and responsive care.

The formative years of life

The early years of a child are determinant
for his development

The child mind is different than ours and have
different needs.

The development of a child is sensitive to negative
impacts such as mal nutrition, deprivation of care.