Increasing Agricultural Employment in Africa
Farmers may not have the proper tools
Organizations supply tools & resources
Increases profit & growth for farmers
Neglected by government, international development leaders, & policy advisers
A low economy is caused
Over 60% of Africa’s economically active population works in farming
Food imports have increased at an annual rate of 3.4%
Over one-third of the total economic value added comes from agriculture
Betters lives for individuals
Creates new paths for youth
Job Security
Less people are in poverty
Other jobs are not always as stable as farming
Increase amount of foreign exchange used to import food grown in Africa
Protects the continent from volatile food prices
Raises incomes in rural areas
Reduces poverty
Rises demand to boost growth
Focus on increasing food output per unit of land among the vast majority of smallholders
Per capita food production barely grew over the past 50 years
Increases approximately 0.06% a year