Rodeo Team

Picture Opportunities

Long Shots of Tech's Rodeo Arena empty

Spurs of the team lined up

Shot down with everyone with hats on

Close up of roping glove and rope

Barn Photo Opportunites

Long shot of the inside of the barn with stalls

Member brushing horse

Member saddling horse

New Coach

Jarred Hofstetter

Picture: Hofstetter w/ his hat tipped down and team behind

Coached 3 kids to regionals

Picture: All 3 kids on horses with Tech buttondowns on

Added new rodeos for tech to host

Picture: Wide Angle shot of


Speilman, Robison, and Simpson

Picture: Each in respective events

Picture: Profile with hat

Results Following American Run

Simpson 2nd in Short Go

Spielman Advances

Photo: Buckle Shots of Both