Barneys Personal Shopper

sales noteificatioins
and frequent buyer points
on designers we dont cary
ways to make the app better
i-pad and cell phone platforms
search tool
by size, color, brand, price, key words
keep cards on file for faster purchases/paypal
picture identification of goods
buying tracker
adding barcodes from purchases
must keep all trasactions and favorites from personal inventory
sales per volume
using a card or barcode from the mobile app
dress cuts
personal comfort fabric
they like
sugjested for them
from stylists based on purchases and future trends
social media page for exclusive barneys shoppers
hottest looks our customers put together in our clothing
very exclusive
only our app shoppers will have access tot he site
rating and links to buy the garments and accesories
deals for having people click through the page and buy
flagship stores
mid west
east coast
selected designers per location
key to staying up to date on trends
posible private lable options
body mapper
body image
up to date sizing when they lose weight
mobile body mapping
semi truck based platform
traveling dates posted all over web
LADIES night function make it an event