
What are the signs and symptoms?

Usually there are no symptoms for Chlamydia but sometimes infected people may feel pain during urination, painful intercourse for women and pain in the testicles for men.

If you have oral sex you may get the infection in our throat which can cause painful swallowing, coughs and even a fever. Others can get the infection in their rectum which can lead to pain and bleeding from this area

What are the causes?

Chlamydia is caused by an bacteria called
Chlamydia Trachomatis and you can catch it if you have unprotected sex with someone who has it

What is it?

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection

What is the treatment? is there a cure?

It can be treated with antibiotic since
it is a infection, but you must follow
dosage instructions carefully to completely get
rid of the infection. This process might take up to
2 weeks at most, but in this time you must not have
sexual contact

How is it transmitted?

It is transmitted by having unprotected
sex with an infected person

Pregnant women map
pass the infection down
to their baby

What are the complications?

If Chlamydia is left untreated it can cause
many complications. For women it may cause
another painful infection called PID which may damage
the uterus, cervix and/or ovaries.

In men if it is left
untreated the epididymis
may become inflamed. If the
infection spreads, it may cause
a fever, discomfort in the lower
back or even painful intercourse

(for women) It may also damage
the fallopian tube, causing them to
become infertile. If it is passed down
to the child they may get pneumonia

How can you prevent the risk of transmitting it?

The more people you have sex with increases your
chance of getting the infection, so you should limit
the amount ofpeople you have sex with

Another way
to prevent it is to use a condom when you have sev