Design Cycle - Cody Garcia
Developing Ideas
Develop a design specification
Create specifications you intend to follow when creating the design
Develop design ideas
Create potential design ideas that might fit in specifications
Present the chosen design

Showcase and present the design you have chosen.
Develop planning/drawing diagrams
Create sketches, diagrams, blueprints, early versions for the design.
Creating the solution
Justify changes made to the design
See why certain changes that occurred when creating the design was necessary.
Follow the plan to create a solution

Use the plan to create the design/solution.
Demonstrate technical skills
Use your technical skills when creating and following the plan.
Construct a logical plan
Create a plan you will follow.
Inquiring and analysing
Explain and justify the need
With a need, see what has to be solved
Identify and prioritse the research
Research and learn more about the need.
Analyse existing products
Look at other solutions/problems, see what you can bring to your own design.
Develop a design brief
Create a brief that will outline things such as the the budget, the scope, etc.
Explain the impact of solution

Evaluate and explain the significance of the design, how does it meet expectations?
Explain how the solution improved
Showcase how the solution helped with the need
Evaluate the success of the solution

Analyse if the design was succesful or not
Design testing methods

Create methods of testing succesfulness.