Development and survival of lymphocyte &Adaptive immune response

Adaptive immune response

Protactive function

1.Killing infected cells

2.activating macrophage

3.Blocking infection

cell-mediated immune response

effector Th lymphocytes


Classical macrophage activation

Isotype switching to IgG


Activation mast cell

Barrier immunity


Nuetrophilic inflammation

Epithelial barrier

effector Tc ltmphocyte

CTL-mediated cytotoxicity

Humoral immune response


Effector funtion

Direct effector function


Indirect effector function

complement activation

Phagocytic activity

Signals for activation

CD4+ T lymphocyte

TCR-peptode-MHC complex


cytokine : cytokine receptor

CD8+ T lymphocyte

TCR-peptode-MHC complex

CD137(4-1BB): CD70 (D-1BBL)

cytokine : cytokine receptor

type of pathogens

1.Intracellular pathogens

2.Extracellular pathogens

Memory B cell properties



3.Cytokine profiles

4.Expression of adhesion molecules

Development and survival of lymphocyte

Comparison of B & T cell development

similar: B/T cells originate in BM
Ag receptor TCR rearagement
Negative selective
Differences: T cells develop in thymus
positive selection required
co- receptor expression required(CD4,CD8)

Development of T lymphocyte

2type of TCR

Germline organization human TCR loci

stage of T lymphocyte development

1.Stem cell
4.Double positive
5.immature T cell
6.Naive mature T cell

Positive and Negative selection

Positive selection

retain T cells whose TCR bind to MCH

Negative selection

delete T cells whose TCR bind
tightly to MHC containing self peptide

Stage of lymphocyte maturation

1.Stem cell
2. Pro-lymphocyte
4.immature lymphocyte
5.lymphocyte subsets
6.Mature lymphocyte

B-cell development in Bone marrow

1.pre-B cell:

2.Immature B-cell

3.mature naive B cell

Antibody structure

Variable region of Ig chain

Germline organization of human Ig loci

Stage of B lymphocyte development

1.Stem cell
2. Pro-lymphocyte
4.immature lymphocyte: IgM
5.Mature lymphocyte: IgM และ IgD