Ducks and Wildfowl

Dabbling ducks

Eurasian wigeon (Anas penelope)

Medium size

yellow cream forehead, brown head and neck, pink chest

Gray Wings, Black butt



Sometimes dabb inside the water to eat submerged plants


Spend the winter in Occidental Europe and the Mediterranean coasts

Rear in northern countries like Britain or the Baltic


twelve eggs

24-25 days of incubation

after 45 days began his independency

Diving ducks

Red-crested pochard (Netta rufina)

It has a rounded orange head, red bill and black breast. The flanks are white,the back brown,and the tail black.

Resident and over wintering in our country.On deep lake

The reproductive cycle of this anatida lasts about 80 days, of which 26-28 are used in incubation and 45-50 in the development of the flocks.The laying consists of 8-10 eggs.

Onmnivore food,most of its food is of plant origin.

Wetlands with large plates of fresh or brackish water and abundant vegetation on the banks.


Common snipe (Gallinago gallinago)

Common snipe (Gallinago gallinago)

Very long beak

Limicola of medium size

Brownish coloring

When it files it shows a general brown appearence


It is mainly based on invertebrates


The steps take place in February-April and August-November


The nest is hidden in lands with low vegetation

Two to five eggs

They develop in 19-20 days and become independent quickly.

Other wildfowl in wetlands

Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)


Habitat: Open field and scrub

Distribution: All Europe


Common kestrels breed once yearly, the breeding season is in April and May in the northern hemisphere, ranger eggs per season is 3 to 7, the time to hatching is the 26 to 34 day, the time to the independence is de 7 to 8 weeks.

Common kestrels become quite vocal during the mating season, displaying a variety of alls. One call described as souding like "quirr-rr quirr-rr" is made by both sexes during mating behaviors and by the female when she becomes interested in mating.

Feeding: Carnivorous. Predator-small rodents, birds and insects.

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