Earth on turtles back

Earth on turtles back

sky woman

sky woman

not steady

I think the woman is not steady because in the story she is try to stay steady but falls down out of the clouds.

stared earth on top of the water

I think she stated the earth on the water because she put the seeds from the tree in the earths dirt to make trees,grass and flowers.




I think the muskrat was brave because she went deeper than all the other animals even though her lungs were going to burst.


I think the muskrat was strong because in the story she swam deeper and deeper and deeper and din't stop even though she was doing to die.




I think the swans were nice because in the story they were nice an of to help the sky woman and keep her steady.


I think the swans where strong because in the story they were
able to holed up the sky woman in the air.