This stage can affect them later on in life.
Child spending more time with one parent can play a role in this.
In 2011 21% of separated or divorced parents were paying child support.
Cost of divorce has this "negative" outcome
Since the family does not function as a unit anymore parenting styles affect the function.
In 2011 24% of parents were not satisfied with the time spent with their kid over the year.

Effects of Children with Divorced Parents


Behavioural Issues

Acting out in school

Mad about the divorce and
take the anger to school.


Take themselves out of social


Drug use

Teen Pregnancy


Poor communication skills

Relationship Issues

Parent and Child

Might favour one parent over the other.

Parenting styles change

Types of Custody

1. Sole

One parent is responsible for the decision
making of child.

2. Shared

Child lives with each parent at least
40% of the time

3. Joint

Both parents have legal responsibility
over the child and decision making

4. Split

Children live with one parent more than 60%
of the time

Parent might be more laid back to keep child happy.

Let the child get away with

Child Support

Money becomes an issue.

Can cause parents to make the kid the messenger
about money

Future Relationships

Think that their relationship might not work out
because of their parents.



Functionalists believe that the marriage
will have a negative impact.

Family is the building blocks
of society.

Without a "normal" family
it will effect the child and
the rest of society.

Social Exchange

Theorists think couples divorce
because they are unhappy

One person or both are not
getting the "reward" or meeting the
expectation they want.


Stages of Grief

1. Denial

First feelings of the divorce.
Refuse to believe that it is happening.

2. Anger

Confused about divorce.

3. Bargaining

Trying to negotiate with parents
to stay together.

4. Depression

Feeling of emptiness.

5. Acceptance

Finally okay with the divorce
because they accept that they
will not get back together.

Mental Health

Anxiety from stress


Child has a fear of abandonment.

Decline in wealth

Basic needs
are harder to meet



Child Care