Teaching Shakespeare in London
596000 -624000 Annual New Immigrants to London
There are 300 languages spoken on the streets of London.
Of the 8.6 million people in London, (and growing fast) 38 per cent were born abroad.
With so many immigrants, and so many Non-English speakers, students do not have help academically at home.
Shakespeare is on the curriculum from the age of 13
The area is question
A high majority of the population are from India, Pakistan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Somalia
Afghanistan - 28.1 percent of this country’s population are literate
Somalia - 37.8 of Somalia’s population is literate.

Teaching English to EAL groups

story telling - introducing characters

predictions - What do you think will happen to two teenagers who love each other but the families hate each other?

personality quizzes - trying to identify and empathize with characters
scenes - guess characters

vocabulary bank
While teaching

never use the whole play
use only key phrases on a PP with pictures
Magna Version
have students write what characters are saying in modern Englsih
have students write in the first language

a little bit of acting
freeze frame - how is the character feeling at this point

hot seating - interviewing the characters
finger puppetry