Grade 11 Course Planning Map


Name of the course/department it belongs to

It is located in the Science department.

The course name is Physics

What is the course about?

I will explore kinematics, with an emphasis on linear motion; different kinds of forces; energy transformations; the properties of mechanical waves and sound; and electricity and magnetism.

Prerequisites needed to take the course

Science in grade 10

What you can take in Grade 12 if you take this course

More science related academic courses.

Why are you interested in taking this course

Physics has always interested me, mostly because I like to see how things interact and move. This would be fun for me because I like to learn new and complex things.

Computer Engineering

Name of the course/department it belongs to

The course name is Computer Engineering Technology.

The course is located within the Technologies Department.

What is the course about?

This course examines computer systems and control of external devices.

Prerequisites needed to take the course

There are no prerequisites for this course

What you can take in Grade 12 if you take this course

I can take Computer Engineering Technology in Grade 12, if I take Computer Engineering Technology in Grade 11.

Why are you interested in taking this course

I have always had a love and passion for technology and I feel that this course will help me to obtain a job in the future.

Core French

Name of the course/department it belongs to

The name is Core French

It is in the Moderns department.

What is the course about?

This course offers students extended opportunities to speak and interact in real-life situations in French with greater independence.

Prerequisites needed to take the course

French in grade 9 and 10

What you can take in Grade 12 if you take this course

I can take more French courses in grade 12.

Why are you interested in taking this course

I want to take this course because being bilingual is good for the future because employers favour workers that speak multiple languages. I also enjoy French very much.

Floating topic