History of technology

History of technology

2001 xbox

2001 xbox

1978 memetic tape

1978 memetic tape

2011 siri was invented

2011 siri was invented

2003 iTunes go live

2003 iTunes go live

1995 java

1995 java

1989 portable computer

1989 portable computer

1953 ibm came out

1953 ibm came out

1987 microsoft works

1987 microsoft works

1964 word processor

1964 word processor

1988 45 million computers sold

1988 45 million computers sold

1984 apple mocitash

1984 apple mocitash

1895 radio siganls

1895 radio siganls

1898 nikhol tesla

1898 nikhol tesla



2400bc couculator

2400bc couculator

500bc language theory

500bc language theory

2005 e-Bay skype

2005 e-Bay skype

1948 drum memory

1948 drum memory

1972 pong

1972 pong


1971 E-mail

1971 E-mail
