Hierarchical Task Analysis Caregiver
0.Read feedback answers from the residents
1. Prepare
1.1 Turn on smartphone
1.2 Install web app
1.3 Navigate to web app
1.4 Navigate to register functionalty
1.5 Navigate to log in functionality
3. Log in
3.1 Provide username
3.2 Provide password
3.3 Confirm action
3.4 Navigate to category guide
4. Read notifications
4.1 Navigate to category "notification"
4.2 Read notifications
4.3 Confirm receipt
4.4 Navigate to category guide
5. Inspect data
5.1 Inspect answers from a resident
5.1.1 Navigate to category "residents"
5.1.2 Navigate to the name list of a certain floor Search for a certain resident Browse result
5.1.3 Select a resident
5.1.4 Inspect the answers
5.1.5 Confirm receipt
5.1.6 Navigate to category guide
5.2 Inspect answers to a question
5.2.1 Navigate to category "questions"
5.2.2 Navigate to the question list from a category of questions Search for a certain question Browse result
5.2.3 Select a question
5.2.4 Inspect the analysis of the answers to that question
5.2.5 Confirm receipt
5.2.6 Navigate to category guide
6. Exit
6.1 Close web app
6.2 Lock smartphone
6.3 Put smartphone back
2. Register
2.1 Provide username
2.2 Provide password
2.3 Add detailed information
2.4 Confirm action
2.5 Navigate to category guide