What to wear for a job interview?
what should i wear
wear a suit

neutral tone

Conservative suit
Do i have to buy a new suit ?
good condition

What shoes should i wear ?
Closed toe shoes
sandal are never appropriate

Neutral tone
Conservative style
Women should not wear very high heels

My interview clothes
i should carry a black handbag
i should wear a gray suit

I should wear a black closed toe shoes
make up neutral
I should wear a black closed toe shoes

i should wear a black suit
i should wear a nude blouse

i should wear a black dress
I should wear a black closed toe shoes
I should wear a grey overcoat

What should i carry with me ?
women can carry a small to medium sized hanbag
What about makeup ?
keep it simple
neutral color
do not wear large earrings or thick chain

What about my nails?
should be clean

a mans should be kept short

womans nails should not be excessively long

neutral color