Growth/value,warren buffet,brokerage
whenever a stock is doing good the growth and value goes up so people can take a higher risk at investing and one day i would wanna do that so i can be like Warren Buffet and if i had the opportunity i would try selling or trading my stock to a brokerage.
Dow jones,S&P 500,NASDAQ100
when ever i wanna check to see how my stocks are doing in the last 30 days i always go to Dow Jones or if i feel like something is not right on there i go to S&P 500 or NASDAQ 100 or sometimes i double check to see if they all have the correct/same information.
SPDR,Bull/Bear Market,Blue chip
i would recommend people who wanna check there stock market index to go to SPDR because that for me is reliable but before people buy stocks they should check out the bull/bear market to see what is the difference but people should check out some blue chip stocks as well see if they like what they see.
when i get older i would like to buy a stock and maybe when i get used to investing i would buy an ETF but people tell me to purchase a bond but im not interested in that at the moment.
Mutual funds,Dividend/Yield,P/E Ratio
During my economics class i had to invest in a mutual fund and find the dividend/yield,p/e ratio, because it was part of our assignment and so we can experience what it would be like investing in stocks in the near future.
when i turn 18 years old i will have to be checking the market cap to see how the stocks are doing so then i can purchase stocks that are doing good in the NYSE if that doesn't work then i will purchase them from NASDAQ.