items of obstetric diagnosis (8)
longitudinal lie
transverse lie
oblique lie
previous diseases or surgical procedures that can affect the management of the current pregnancy : e.g.
maternal cardiac disease
diabetes mellitus
uterine anomalies
previous uterine scar
complications of the current pregnancy : e.g.
ante-partum hemorrhage
premature rupture of fetal membranes
fetal malformation
fetal death
left anterior (anterior to the left)
right anterior (anterior to the right)
right posterior (posterior to the right)
left posterior (posterior to the left)
duration of the current pregnancy (calculated in weeks)
Naegele's formula (method)
provided that
human pregnancy is 40 weeks
the 1st day of last normal menstrual period (LNMP) is certainly known
the expected date of delivery (EDD)
equals to = 1st day of LNMP + 7 days & 9 months
Gestational age
equals to = 40 weeks - ( EDD - today date)
other clinical methods
fundal level
symphysis-fundal length
date of quickening
head ( cephalic presentation )
buttocks with or without feet ( breech presentation )
in transverse lie ( shoulder presentation )
all deliveries
beyond medico-legal viability
regardless of the outcome
the current one
the abnormal ones
the abortions and delivery too
regardless of the outcome