Why is it so important?

What does it consist of?

Adapt information to different cultures and physical needs to make the content more appealing to all learners.

-Consider the cultural and identity context of each collective through their ways of acquiring knowledge through content.

-It allows teachers and students to connect their knowledge and ideas when addressing the topics.

General explanation of learning in many colors



-Language- Symbols

-Construction of knowledge

-Information visualization

-Multiple ways to perceive information

Techniques and key ideas

-Visual content: it can be adapted to the class using tools that are:

-Music or audio recordings "DADY Taling"

-Video animations and images or photographs

Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles: Didactics for Technology-Assisted Courses by Segura

What does it consist of?

Multiple Intelligences are different abilities people possess to solve problems and create valuable products. Howard Gardner initially identified eight types: linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.
Learning Styles are the particular ways in which each person perceives, processes, and retains information. Some popular models include:
Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK)
The Kolb model (concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation)
The Honey-Alonso model (active, reflective, theoretical, pragmatic)


-For visual learners: concept maps, infographics, videos, and graphic organizers.
-For auditory learners: podcasts, debates, verbal explanations, and group discussions
-For kinesthetic learners: simulations, experiments, role-playing games, and hands-on activities.
-Universal Design for Learning: providing multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement
-Problem-based learning that involves different intelligences.
-Creation of flexible learning pathways in virtual environments
-Diversified assessment that will allow demonstrating knowledge in different ways
-Collaborative work with heterogeneous teams that leverage the strengths of each member.
Integration of adaptive technological tools that respond to different styles
By incorporating these concepts into a technology-mediated educational environment, the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process is enhanced, respecting diversity and promoting a more inclusive and personalized education.


-Diagnosis through adapted questionnaires to identify predominant styles
-Observation of the student's behavior and preferences during various activities.
Personalized feedback according to each student's profile
-Creation of flexible learning environments that integrate multiple modalities.
-Rotation of activities to stimulate different intelligences.
Implementation of projects that allow knowledge to be expressed in various ways.

Key ideas

Each person has a unique profile of intelligence, not a single measurable intelligence.
-Learning styles are not fixed; they can evolve.
In technology-mediated environments, it is crucial to consider these concepts for instructional design.
-The early identification of predominant styles and intelligences facilitates the teaching-learning process.
-Digital tools can be adapted to cater to various learning profiles.
-The diversity of intelligences and styles should be seen as a wealth, not an obstacle.

Why is it important?

The importance of these concepts lies in that they allow us to:
Recognize that not everyone learns in the same way
Develop more inclusive and effective educational strategies
Personalize teaching according to each student's strengths.
Improve academic performance by adapting content to different profiles
Strengthen students' self-esteem by valuing their abilities.
Facilitate meaningful learning by connecting with each student's preferences.


-Sensory and educational activities



-Integration of technologies, voice command.

What is representation in UDL? by CAST

It optimizes teaching and learning based on scientific knowledge applied to any discipline or domain, ensuring access and participation in meaningful and challenging learning opportunities.

Why is it so important?

-Gives students the same opportunities for success

-Facilitate access and integration to the material

-Develop lesson plans that help children with learning and attention problems

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) by Morin

-Gives students the same opportunities for success

-Facilitate access and integration to the material

-Develop lesson plans that help children with learning and attention problems

Key Ideas

-Action and expression


-Visual: Textbooks, VIDEOS
-Auditory: Audios
-Oral and group presentations
-Autonomy: Letting students make their own decisions


-Develop skills that feel like a game and create opportunities for movement practice.
-Allow students to complete an assignment by making a video or a comic strip
-Make learning accessible in classrooms
-Present information in an adapted manner
-Be flexible with the material so that the weaknesses are strengthened.
-Offer a variety of options to the students

Action Research by Crothers (2021); Llego (2022)

What does it consist of?

-It improves teaching and learning, with a collaborative, reflective, and problem-solving approach to classroom research.

¿Why is it important?

Among its benefits, we have:
-Helps teachers become reflective professionals
Correct understanding of teaching and learning
-Improves communication between teachers and students, involving the collaborative process
-New ideas to put them into practice
-Foster dialogue between teachers and students about learning
-It is a cyclical process that promotes practices and feedback.
-Fosters positive changes in the classroom and the school





-Summative assessments

Key ideas

-Collect data periodically on progress

-Having a willingness to change

-Get involved in research processes