Looking Back On Senior Year

College Search

Visiting 5 different schools

Loving Comm Dis. at Elms College

Not getting accepted to a really college


Maintaining a GPA of 3.5 or better

Being apart of school activities and clubs

AP Courses and Honors

Speech Pathology

Getting an internship with an SLP through WBL

Working as a speech language paraprofessional in a summer program.

Having a solid mentor and reference for jobs and recommendations

Declaring my major focusing in SLP work

Battling a Pandemic

Losing my job

Online learning


College Orientation

Thesis: As overwhelming as senior year was, the lessons that were learned, the obstacles that I overcame and the new doors that had been opened, have all shaped me into the person I am today.

Major aspects of the essay: Talk about Briggs, her role in preparing me for college. Talk about the leadership learned from student council. The comparison of college and high school, juggling multiple things at once. Learning brand new material on zoom

Minor aspects of the essay: Scholarships received at graduation. Moving 97 miles away from home. Getting recognition by the director of special education at my summer job as an outstanding employee. Super small class (42) so we were all so close.