Mars Phoenix
what this technology do
what's the date come to service

On May 25, 2008

Phoenix was a presence of scouts, observe the phenomenon of Mars
The campany
The leader company is the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona,. This plan work with the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, NASA, the Canadian Space Agency, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Lockheed Martin Space Systems, MacDonald Dettwiler & Associates (MDA) and other aerospace companies.
What's mean the Phoenix landed in Mars
Let people knows what is the look like of Mars,for scientist,the know what is the make of Mars,it is very important for human technology development.
Phoenix is the sixth had 7 times try to landing the Mars and finally successful
Other links to lean
Exploration of Mars
List of missions to Mars
Some major dates
The Phoenix was emission on August 4, 2007,at 5:26:34 a.m.
The phoenix was landed on May 25, 2008
What's the cost ?
The cost about US $386 million, include cost of the launch