1. Wall of Shame

1a. Direct contact from publication

Share website details
and pre-designated response

1b. Direct contact from
DIS individual

To complain

1bi. Share pre-designated

To support

1bii. Share sneak-peak of
upcoming campaign
& ask for social support

1c. Direct contact from
rejector business

To complain

1ci. (TBC w/Cath) - Share
IPA/CAP comms + engage

To share strong
DIS employment statistics

1cii. Share pre-designated

Legal responsibilities

Signed consent form

2. Print / OOH / Soap Packaging

2a. Direct contact from
DIS individual to Camilla

To complain (braille,
2.1AA compliance)

2ai. Share pre-designated

To support (financially

2aii. Ask for social support
to raise awareness

Asking for practical help

2aiii. Share pre-designated

2c. Direct contact from business

To ask how they can support
(businesses & charities)

2ci. Share pre-designated

To ask how they can hire
a member of staff

2cii. Request for details
Pass response on to HR
Discussion w/ Beco on best practise

Contact with relevant
staff members to gauge interest

Positive interest

HR pick up directly
with business

Negative interest

2cv. Pre-designated

To ask for recognition
in hiring DIS staff

2ciii. Share pre-designated

To ask for advice

2cvi. Pre-designated

Looking to invest in Beco (retailer)

2b. Internal contact from

Would like to now be involved

Share pre-designated

Would like to no longer be involved

Pull whatever is feasible
to pull

3. Social

3a. Direct contact to staff

How are we supporting
staff throughout the process?

Negative comment

3ai. Pre-designated response
available for all staff

Questioning company credentials

3aii. Pre-designated

4. Influencers

5. Legacy Piece

4a. Direct contact from business leaders

To ask how they can support

4ai. Share bespoke
pre-designated response

To ask how they can
hire a staff member

4aii. Request details
Pass response on to HR

Contact with relevant
staff members to gauge interest

Positive interest

HR pick up directly with business

Negative interest

4aiii. Pre-designated

To ask for advice

4av. Pre-designated

3b. Questioning the campaign

Why are you doing this
campaign in the first place?

Why would a company want
people to steal their staff?

Why not create more
opportunities for your
current employees?

Why not just raise money
to invest in your staff?

What happens if no one wants to
steal your staff, where they going to go?

Aren't you just using these
people to raise your profile?

Do these employees actually want to be stolen?

What about those that are not employed?
Why are you only talking about those who
already have jobs?

Direct contact from journalist / publication

Looking for details

Questioning Beco's credentials

Questioning TBWA's credentials