Parts of the computer
Is the backbone that the various other parts communicate through.
Provide connections for all of the other components it also houses the computer BIOS
Provide the communication path between the loaded operating system and other components .
The central processing units operate at billions of cycles a second (1 Ghz is 1 billion).
Processors can generate significant heat and draw a large amount of power when in use.
Processor Cooling
Cooling is a system sits on top of the processor to ensure the CPU stays at less than 75 degrees centigrade.
This is normally a fan or a system of pumps that remove heat using liquid cooling.
Memory (RAM)
The memory is measured in gigabytes (1 GB is equivalent to about 7 minutes of HDTV).
Video Cards
These are built into the motherboard - , with nearly as much capability as the CPU are now typical.
The video card is essentially another small computer with its own processor, fans, memory - dedicated just to the graphics component of the PC.
Hard drives
The hard drive stores data for the computer, but are considerably slower.
Hard drive data persists, even when there is no power.
Network Connections