Planning a Curricular HPE Model

Gymnasium Availability

Will you have to share the gym?

How often will you have access to the gym?

What will you do if the gym is not available that day?

Student Experience

What have students done in past P.E. or Health Classes?

Do some students participate in extracurriculars?

What is the range in skill level in your class?

Teacher Expertise

How familiar am I with the rules of the sport?

Am I comfortable modelling a certain move?

Am I comfortable answering some of the more controversial questions that students might have?

Students with Exceptionalities

How can I make accommodations or modifications?

How do I make everyone feel included?

Are there any activities I should avoid?


Do you have enough equipment for every student?

What condition is the equipment in?


What types of resources do you have access to?

Can a guest speaker come in for one of the topics?

Do I have access to IT resources?


SMART Boards/Projectors

Internet access


How will I assess my students?


Anecdotal Notes

Peer Assessment

Culminating Assignments


Curriculum Expectations

How will I incorporate all the expectations?

Can I cross-curricularize anything?


Behaviour management

First Aid

Condition of the Equipment

Implementation of the rules

Teaching safety protocols