Poulation growth

Reasons for high
birth rates

Cultural and Social

- Big number of children
in some societies
- Desire for a son to carry
on the family name.
- Some people children to be
looked after whn they grow old.
- Polygamous societies
- In some societies, girls have children
at a young age.


In some religions, such as Catholic,
Hindu and Mulism, people encourage
to have children.


Countries with a high quantity of women
tend to have more children


- In LEDCs, people have children to provide
the labour for the family's farm
- In many countriespeople hve no ability to read
and don't have information about contraceptives.
- In por countries, people ensure that some of their
children reach adulthood.

Reasons for
high death rates

They are compex and
can change rapidly

War and natural disasters
(results for a limited time)

In some cases, bad health
and nutrition.


Reasons for falling
death rates

-Developement of medical knowledge
- Better access to water and food suplies.
- Spread of knowledge about a good lifestyle.