Protecting the enviroment and communitys

Limits to Gas and Methaine use

Helps keep the air clean for people as well as the environment.

Limit the use of mercury and arsenic.

protects our air from the pollutants that power plants emit. This keeps our air clean for breathing as well as keeps our animals and plants clean.

Healthy schools, and Eco clubs

Helps to limit school waste and increase use of recycling in schools as well as sustainable and fresh foods.

Rules and regulations about what is thrown out on garbage days.

In communities they will have restriction on how many bags of garbage can be put out each week. This helps to manage community waste aswell as protect our enviroment by not putting so much in landfills.

Composting/ Recycling

As an individual anyone can help protect the environment by composting and recycling this helps eliminate waste in the environment.

Limiting use of vehicles / energy

Instead of driving to a place close by you could walk as well as ride a bike to emit less carbon. Limiting your use of energy through your house helps protect our resources and makes power plants work less and emit less toxins.