Recipe for more Success ICS2O0

Recipe for more Success ICS2O0

Come to class prepared and ready to learn

Have all the the necessary things for your class and be focused.

Respect the classroom rules

Remember to always obey the class rules even if you're allowed to do something in one class that is against the rules in this class still follow it.

Do your work and be on task

Always be on task so you can finish your work. Staying on task will help everyone be on the same subject, if you are behind on work and the rest of the class is ahead you're gonna have a harder time getting help, and catching up.

Have fun

Make sure you're enjoying class because if you are then that makes working and staying on task more enjoyable and easy.

Respect everyone in the class

Always listen to whoever is talking and don't ignore or talk over them.

If anyone has an idea (no matter if good or not) listen and try to use it or make it better.

Listen to instructions

Make sure you're listening so you don't miss anything

Check Google Classroom regularly to make sure what you have coming up and what homework you have.