
How will the user find out about the app?

The teacher will introduce Seesaw as a part of the curriculum. Students will use Seesaw during math/ literacy centers since the school is not on a one to one ratio on iPads.

Abigail will follow the teacher’s instructions and gain access to the app.

How does the teacher find the lesson?

The teacher will search the subject area desired and find what lesson fits with the unit the teacher is working on. If there is no lesson that falls within this category, the teacher will create the lesson on seesaw themselves.

How does it turn out at the end?

Once the student has completed the lesson, they send it to the teacher. The teacher will review it, and determine what support the student needs in that academic area.

In this project, we are focusing on the teacher to student relationship with the app and the benefits to the education process. Our project focuses on the importance of independent work by students, but teacher lead instruction.

Abigail loves seesaw and having it as a math/literacy center.

What will their first experience with the app be like?

Students will be introduced to Seesaw in a small group setting. The teacher will walk them through how to create an account and login individually. Each child will have their own login so teachers can track their progress. The first lesson will be done as a coloring assignment so they can get used to how it works. teacher will walk them through how to create an account and login individually. Each child will have their own login so teachers can track their progress. The first lesson will be done as a coloring assignment so they can get used to how it works.

The first experience for Abigail gave her the ability to use the app but not work too hard with her brain to do work. This made the app more enticing because it was fun.

How does it progress?

The teacher has the control on what assignments the students use. The teacher will either create the assignment by using the app or use one of the lesson options available.

Students will only be able to use the lessons that are assigned, so they progress only with guidance from the teacher.

Abigail can use the counting math lesson and eventually move on to adding or matching or even symmetry.

As a teacher, it is difficult to have one on one attention with each student.
Seesaw allows for me as the teacher to see how the child does in the academic
area, and reassign different individual based lessons for each child. If one lesson is too difficult for a child, I can assign an easier lesson that better suits the skill set of that student.

Abigail will use the app during math centers at school. Abigail will be working on counting. Abigail will follow the directions and count 10 apples.