
started school
It is significant to me because at school I meet Kyleigh
It is also significant to me because I need to learn stuff, so I can get a good job.

baby shark the song came out
it is significant to me because when I was younger I would listan
It is significant to me because when was younger I would do the moves to it when i listan to it
I went 8 hours up north
It is significant to me because I went up with some of my family, like my grandma and grandpa and aunts, and cousins and stuff and so then I got to spend time with them.
It is also significant to me because it was fun and I love to have fun.

hatchimals came out in
It is significant to me because me and Kyleigh use to play with them and we are best friends.
It is also significant to me because I loved to play with these things.
i was born
It is significant to me because i got to meet a lot of people and do fun stuff
It is also significant to me because I came into the world

Bubble guppies came out
It is significant to me because when I was younger I would watch it every day.
It is also significant to me because i love this show very much with my whole heart .
I meet Alex and Reina
It is significant to me because they are my friends.
It is also significant to me because I need people to hang out with and go places and do fun stuff.
Beyoncé makes lemonda song came out
It is significant to me because I like her music
It is also significant to me because I like lemonade and love to make it and drink it.

we got a seadoo
it is significant to me because i got to have fun with my family on it.
It is also significant to me because I love to go swimming and be in the water and go boating and stuff like that, so when we had the sea-doo I got to go be on the water and go in it.

The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild came out
It is significant to me because I would watch this all the time with my family.
It is also significant to me because I love this movie.
got my dog Layla
it is significant to me because i love my dog layla
It is also significant to me because she is so playful, and I can take her to the park to play, and I can walk her with Reina's dog.

scruff a loves came out
It is significant to me because I love these things and loved when I got to take it a bath
It is also significant to me because I loved to get more and more toys to play with.