Star Report


S- In college we have to work together to get assignment done.

T- Create a presentation about early years of early child

A-Divided presentation into groups.

R- Got good grades.

Interpersonal skills

S-At the international office

T- Setting up tables and creating an interesting conversation.

A- Shared our actions and ideas to help create new memories.

R- Came out as a success.

Communication skills

S- Shared and communicated in different languages

T- talked about helping student improve.

A- Asked questions that are related to communication.

R- Everyone understood what it was all about.

Main topic

S- Dsicussed about cultural tribes

T- Tales and experiences about your tribe

A- Talked about how we can do to provide or improve each tribe to school or try different deserts.

R- achieved some of them.

Technical Skills

S- Talked about the skills we had and the skills we hope to achieve.

T- talked about ways and how to improve on them by working together.

A= Brilliant suggestions on how we can achieve them.

R- Did well on the decision making that we took about our skills.

Problem solving skills

S- stated the problems we had

T- Looked for ways to get it solved.

A-Ask for assistance.

R- Receiving the best problem solving skills by our teachers or guidance.

Organizational skills

S- How to organise your skills

T- Talked about ways in getting organised

A- Assisted in getting or rendering help regarding our skills.

R- rest assured in completing them.

Strong work Ethic

S- Staring ways in getting a strong work.

T- Talking to our teachers and LF's to assist us in words.

A- Aiming for a better result

R- Got the best.

Flexibility/Adaptability skills

S-Starting off with something with something you can do.

T- tell who can help you achieve your flexibility skills.

A- attaining greater.

R- result ended well.

Motivation and initiative

S- Starting off with great motivation.

T- Talk to people who would give you great motivation.

A- Acquiring something great

R- Good and positive motivation and initiative


S- Having a good and positive energy to serve a good integrity

T- Telling your story and be a better person.

A- Aim to the top

R- Receiving a good result with good accountability..