Teaching Approaches
and Methods
Teachers should always have interaction with students in the classroom at all times. Interaction will allow them the chance to speak to the teacher and the teacher to the student. It also allows the student a chance to be heard and the teacher can give some positive reinforcement.
Some educators are afforded the ability to facilitate children's learning. By this I mean some children are already well educated at home by their parents and when they come to school they are already so prepared that the teacher only needs to only manage the class,demonstrate and facilitate.
Brain-Based Strategies
Teachers should engage their students using strategies based on how their brains work. For example, brain teasers, physical movements,mind games and memory games.
Educators may also use different types of technology in their classrooms such as a smartboard, computers softwares, games, iPods, iPads for blogging and Podcasting, etc.
Teachers can use Mnemonics to help their students memorize important information and maximize their learning. For example, Acronyms, Acrostics and Loci Method.
Assessments allows the teacher to understand the level of learning of the students. For example, teacher observations, projects, research, tests.