Team Leader Programme - Workshop 2: Enabling Performance
Introduction - link to previous workshop
In Workshop 1 we looked at POLC. We will look at the L- specifically looking at Leading the self and leading others. To enable your team's performance.
Workplace Application Review
TLs provide feedback on workplace implementation. 1) What did you implement, 2) what did you achieve 3) what are the challenges.
Circles: lets look at the self firt - Iceberg model: Thats who I am. How can i use it. Raise awareness about the colours - exercise about other colours. Icebreaker -Revision.
Leading Self: The 5 pillars of EQ
We first need to understand how to lead the self, before we can lead others.
1) Self - awareness
Johari window
Use Insights questionnaire from team: How does the team experience you, how does this relate to your profile? Consider the impact on the team. In order to be more effective, what do I need to focus on? What do i need to do more of and what do I need to do less of?
2) Self Control
Circels of concern and influence
Power of choice model
Include Goldman videos (but not for every section)
3) Self-motivation
Intrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation
4) Empathy
5) Leading others: Building relationships
CLEAR Skills
People Management
Video Role Play: Contracting coversation
Video Skills practice: Coaching scenario
Day 3
Insigts profile done
Insights Profile debriefed
3 hours session with Liana or Claudia.
Read up on Insights, Jung, Johari, CLEAR etc - in workbook / C-Net for preparation to workshop.
Use CLEAR info from FIRM
Self-awareness Questionnaire completed by team
Conflict questionnaire
Workplace application
Workshop 3: Reviewing Performance
Introduction & Workplace application
TL Presentation: workplace application feedback
Recap on what we have covered: If you look at the circles - we looked at inter (the self), intra (others), the team and organisation. Self leadership - we looked at the pillars. Leading others - we looked at building relationships.
In building relationships you could have differences of opinion or disagreements. Also when we review performance, you could have disagreements.
Konsentriese circles. Glue that holds the circles together is communication. EQ is the basis. Continuous improvement. Position perfromance. below. top. Sit lead.
In building relationships - good communication is important. Will get disagreements.
Red/Blue simulation
Conflict questionnaire that you completed - what is my style? Reflecting on the most appropriate style for different situations.
What to consider to determine your approach to conflict...
Gaining commitment skills
In the previous workshop we looked at leading the team (People Management). To enable the performance of your team, we focused on the contracting of performance. In the contracting conversation you need to gain commitment from a team member. We will now practice getting buy-in by using the gaining commitment skills.
Skills Practice: Gaining Commitment (Performance contracting)
Skills Practice: Gaining Commitment (Effective meetings)
Situational Leadership
We spoke about building relationships and leading others. We enable performance through coaching, but we also need to consider the individual and the situation.
Support, Coach, Delegate and Direct
Poor performance
Link back to people management - when do I follow the poor performance process? (Reviewing Performance)
Skills Practice (Video): apply CLEAR in poor performance scenario
Employee Relations
Link back to people management - when do I take the ER / disciplinary rout? (Reviewing Performance)
End worshop with recap on journey of leadership: circles, continuous perfromance, perfromance ppor and top perf, ER.
Graphic facilitation: draw what you are taking out of the workshop. Send to them after worshop.
Workplace application - read and practice the "gaining commitment" skills. Facilitator and line manager sign off. Hand in portfolio.
Double Loop Learning
Facilitator giving feedback to the TL and to the Line Manager