

Hot desking

Hotdesking is the allocating of seats in an office when needed rather than giving each employee their own desk

This links to teleworking because there may be many employees in an organisation but only 15 desks, so the employees take it in turns of teleworking and working in the office

This helps the manager to monitor the progress of the team and also helps keep the good communication

What is teleworking?

Teleworking is working from home

It allows the employee more freedom and flexibility

Teleworking is becoming increasingly popular because of techjnology developing that allows us to do it

Invloves communicating with the employer through the use of ICT and telecommunications equipment

It isnt always just working from home, it can be working on the move too, such as a buisness man moving around the work and accessing files and modifying them on the move

Impacts on society

Services offered to clients may be better because you can offer a 24/7 service if there's always someone "on-call" from work

Many argue that it may make society more lazy as increasing amount of people "dont even get dressed and go to work" they just stay in bed and do it

Positive effect on society because people with very busy lifestyles and families can still have a job, or can still keep their job while ill or pregnant for example.

People have more money in society because they can get a job from somewhere else in the world, or they can get a local job but telework and do the job at a time that suits them

Negative aspects of teleworking

More difficult to get help if not in the office and people may miss the work environment

Management fear difficulties in controlling a workforce that isnt in the office

Teleworkers can begin to feel isolated and as though they arent part of the workforce

Requires a lot of trust with the employee to get the job done outside the office environment

Harder to predict when something will be completed throughout the day, for example the best time may be very late at night and the employer may want to see it while theyre in the office

Some people view it as lazy to have someone working from home if it isnt just every now and again

Advantages of teleworking

Allows buinesses to offer 24/7 service without people having to be in the office all the time, they can do it from home

Means that if an employee is ill, they could still do some work at home meaning the buisness wont loose as much money

Teleworkers are able to work at a time thatb suits them best and can work around home commitments

Allows the employee more flexibility and freedom

It may be easier for someone to concentrate in their home environment if it is quieter

Can even be linked to global warming because less emmisions from cars if more people work at home!

Employees save costs and time commuting

People in different locations can work as a team, such as worldwide

People can be employeed all over the world