The Connectors

Time: Later than something
For example: First, brush your teeth, then go room.
For example: The teachers met after school
For example: Next leave it for 5-10 minutes depending on the tea.

Addition: Connector that links words or actions that are happening successively, but also serves to add information to the speech.
For example: Christmas is a time for giving and getting.
For example: My brother Jake likes flying too does my brother Jane
For example: So, after lunch, we decided to go for a walk.

Contrast: Coordinating conjunction
For example: I want to go but I'm tired.
For example: We wanted to buy a sports car, although we knew that fast cars can be dangerous.

Order of Elements: Introduces the first of a sequence.
For example: First, I went to Paris.
For example: Secondly, I have fly to United States

Basic Connectors: they are essential connectors to unite in a logical way the different elements of a discourse.
For example: You can pay by credit card or in cash.
For example: As I was hungry, I went to eat something.

Consequence: connector that expresses a result or decision on a previous situation. It is also used to enter a phrase, comment or question.
For example: So, after lunch, we decided to go for a walk.

Giving Examples:
For Example:
There are different kinds of films. For example, horror films, adventure and romantic films.
For instance:
I always dress in as casual way but sometimes. I have to dream smartly, for instance, when i have an important meeting at the office.

Cause: a conjunction that denotes causality, that is, indicates the reason why some statement occurs.
For example: I need a shower because I am dirty.