Tour Manager

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

The knowledge required/needed to be a tour manager
would be being able to speak or be fluent in different
languages. Some of the most commonly needed
languages are; French, Spanish, Chinese and Italian.

The skills needed to be a tour manager include being
able to handle stressful situations, energy, independence,
good social skills and being able to cope in emergency situations.

Some personal skills that you would need to be a tour
manager would include good people/social skills, being humble and being a good listener/communicator. Another good attribute would be self-confidence and being a generally open person, this will let you be more approachable to customers and people taking the tour(s).

Job Description

A tour manager is a person who organizes events/travel arrangements and who also manage and make sure everything going on runs smoothly. Tour managers have knowledge about whatever area that is being toured and are also there to provide information whenever needed.


Some of the biggest responsibilities of a tour manager
are; welcoming in new tourists, helping and figuring out
passport and immigration issues, keeping organized information about the time (departure/arrival information) and being able to communicate, answer questions and be a reliable resource for tourists and yourself.

Working Conditions

Some physical demands of being a tour manager
are that you would need to be energized, and healthy
in general; to be able to focus, walk, talk and be engaged
in whatever activity is going on or whoever you'd be
talking to.

The environmental conditions for this job can
absolutely vary. If you're the manager of a tour
where you physically go on the trip with all of the
other tourists, then the environment and weather
can change easily.

Mental demands of a tour manager would need to
include having an open mind, good sense of humour and a non-aggressive personality. These are important because dealing with multiple different groups of people each day can be frustrating and stressful.