Rehearsal strategy: This is about using different techniques to study or learn something.
Example: saying a word, spell it out loud 3 times, cover the word, write the word.
Another example is have students ask themselves questions
Review of last week
Keyword method: effective system for remembering definitions that uses visual imagery
Alternative forms of questions: The teacher changes the type of questions asked or the construction of the question
Fill in the blank and adding a word bank
Example: Multiple choice instead of essay
Alternative test site: Testing accommodation where you change the location of the test for a student with disabilities to make sure the result of the test is accurate.
Example: Testing in a resource room might help students with attention problems
Alternative ways of administering tests: Changing a way of how students make take a test. Making accommodations
Example: Someone with reading problems can be given more time to complete tests
Example: Someone with written expression problems would use a dictionary for help.
Daily activity logs: students activities, and achievements to provide ongoing information for students and their parents.
Can be written on notebook, journal. calendar, or sticky notes