Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition

Glaciers (9-4)

Types of Glaciers

continentel glaciers cover large islands or continents and spread out ward

valley glavciers form in valleys of mountains and and spread in one direction

Process of glacial erosion

valley glaciers form at the tops if high mountians and move downward(creating moraines) and eventually melt into the ocean and eposite t he sedimen that they picked up along the way.

plucking is when the bottom of the glacier picks up stones and carves horrizontal lines in the bedrock

Glacial deposition

Whena glacier gets to the oceanit melts and deposites its sediment into various landforms

Water erosion (9-2/9-3)

Runoff and erosion

abrasion is the wearing away of rock by grinding

most sediment gets in the stream or river through runoff

Ground water erosion

when groundwater is acidic enough it will wear down the rock

when the water level drops cavesw are left behind and eventually form cave formations

stalagtites form at the top of the cave

stalagmites form on the cave floor

columns form whent he two meet

Erosion and sediment load

most sediment come from runoff but can also come from the bottom and sides of the river as well as wind.

Erosion by Rivers

How water erodes

water erosion depends on ...

intensity of rainfall

the slope of the land

porosity and permeability of the rock

water content of soil


Wethering (8-1)

Rate at Wich Rock wethers

the rate at which rock weathers depends on the climate and what type of rock it is permeable will wear down easier impermeable takes longer to wear down.

Chemical wethering

The process that breaks down rock through chemical changes.

mechanical wethering

The type of weathering in which rock is physically broken into smaller pieces.

wethering and erosion

weathering is the wearing down of rock and sediment

the removal of particles by wind, water, ice, or gravity

Waves (9-5)

How waves form

waves form when air pressure pushes the particles back and forth and moves the energy forward

Erosion by waves

abrasion is when the wave picks up sand and erodes the shore like sandpaper

direction change is when the sudden change in direction along the shore erodes the land

impact is when the wave crashes against the shore

Landforms created by erosion

Beach where sediment has been deposited

sea cave where waves create an indentation in a cliff

Sea Stump where a sea stack has been aroded pasta certain point

Sea Stack where a sea arch has collapsed leaving a rock rising out of the ocean

Sea Arch where the wave has eroded through rock

Deposites by waves

Longshore drift

The process where sediment is moved down the beach with the current

Erosion/deposition cycle(9-1)

Cycle of erosion and deposition

deposition is where the forces of eroson deposite or lay down sediment

erosion is the wearing down and moving of sediment from one place to another

Mass movement





Wind (9-6)

Types of wind erosion

deflation when wind moves over loose material and leaves the heavier things behind

abrasion when wind scrapes along rocks and can polish them(causes little erosion)

Types of wind deposites

loess is when the sand picks up soil and deposites it in airated piles

sand dunes are when strong winds pick up sand and deposite them in dunes