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Plan a project to improve your performance using this balanced scorecard project management template. This project will require resources and long-term commitment.
The completion of this mind map requires a good knowledge of the organization’s strategies and operations.
Add the stakeholders’ needs and measurements that show that you understand those needs. Then think about your organization’s mission, objectives, and strategies.
Look at the situation from the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard technique: financial perspectives, external customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning and growth perspective.
Continue completing this template by planning out some initial actions.
Add key players to your project. Establish objectives. Then communicate the results to your company.
Where next?
You can return to this map and re-use the Wizard as many times as you like.
Save the map as a normal Mindomo map and continue to work with it, using more of Mindomo's features.
Good luck with your project!
Begin by entering your organisation's name in the central topic, then press Enter.
In this part of the map, plan out some initial actions for your Balanced Scorecard project.
Use this map to develop the plan further and keep track of actions as you make progress.
Add an action for the maintenance phase of your project, once the first round of improvement initiatives have been made. Think about:
Add an action for the execution phase of your project. Think about:
Add an action for the initiation phase of your project. Think about:
The four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard technique help ensure that you are making measurements across all the important areas of your business.
Use the sections below to help identify further measurements, and to group any measurements that have already been identified by examining your stakeholder needs and strategy.
Add an employee motivation measurement that reflects the attitude of your staff and predicts future performance.
Measurements should be:
Add an information systems measurement that reflects the quality and accessibility of information available to your employees.
Measurements should be:
Add an employee capability measurement that reflects the skills, knowledge and performance of your employees, and predicts future capabilities.
Measurements should be:
Add an operations measurement that reflects the production performance.
Measurements should be:
Add an after-sales service measurement that reflects the performance of customer support.
Measurements should be:
Add an innovation measurement that reflects innovation in your organization.
Measurements should be:
Add an external customer measurement that reflects future potential. Choose from the typical ones suggested, or preferably create your own.
Measurements should be:
Measurements in the Financial perspective show whether your company has performed well financially, where improvements can be made, and whether it is in a secure position.
Add a financial measurement that reflects achievement and progress.
Support for your project is vital.
If your project is successful at identifying the need for significant change, then you can be sure there will be barriers to change and people to convince.
Add a key player to your project. Think about:
A Balanced Scorecard project will require resources and long-term commitment, and the results must be used to implement change, otherwise, it will die. In the same way that Balanced Scorecard is based on measurements, you should identify the KPIs for the project itself by agreeing on objectives and measuring progress towards them.
Add an objective for your Balanced Scorecard project. Think about:
Continually communicating the results of your Balanced Scorecard project is vital.
Who will review the results, and what actions can they take?
Add an action for reviewing and applying the measurements.
What factors will influence the design of your dashboards, to keep people informed?
Add an action for designing your dashboards to communicate measurements and improvements.
How will the results of your project, and the background information that supports it, be distributed in your company?
Add an action for sharing the measurements from your project.
Identify areas for measurement and management by thinking about your organization's mission, objectives and strategy.
Add a measurement against objectives or strategy. Measurements should be:
Add comments about the status of your strategy today. Is it:
Add a statement about your mission, objectives or strategies.
If you are not clear on these, then consider using a VMOST analysis to create them.
In order to identify measurements that give insights into performance, be clear about the needs of all the stakeholders in your company.
Add a stakeholder who has an interest in the success of your organization.
You can choose from the suggestions, or better, add stakeholders that are specific to your company.
Add a measurement that shows you understand stakeholder's needs and are meeting them.
Add a stakeholder's need or requirement that plays a major role in your project.
Les cartes mentales vous aident à faire un brainstorming, à établir des relations entre les concepts, à organiser et à générer des idées.
Cependant, les modèles de cartes mentales offrent un moyen plus facile de commencer, car il s'agit de cadres qui contiennent des informations sur un sujet spécifique avec des instructions d'orientation. Par essence, les modèles de cartes mentales assurent la structure qui combine tous les éléments d'un sujet spécifique et servent de point de départ à votre carte mentale personnelle. Ils constituent une ressource qui offre une solution pratique pour créer une carte heuristique sur un sujet particulier, que ce soit dans le domaine des affaires ou de l'éducation.
Mindomo vous propose des modèles de cartes mentales intelligentes qui vous permettent de fonctionner et de penser sans effort.
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