Plus de détails
Use this performance review template to help your employees better understand their strong points and improve their work.
Start by adding general information about the employee so you have a better view of the whole situation. Think about the employee’s work and add the entire work process to the map.
Collect the tools the employee is managing and review his/her performance using those tools.
Ask the employee what is his/her opinion regarding his/her role in the company and in the team and to rate the work he has done so far. Ask about his/her future plans and about the way he thinks could improve his performance and the performance of his/her whole team.
Besides this, don’t forget to always show your support to employees and offer them constructive feedback so they can improve their performance every day.
The intention of a performance review is improvement, coaching and guidance. It will help your employees to better understand their strong points and use them in relation with their abilities.
Summarize your performance review meeting!
Your conclusions can be reused as a starting point for a future performance review.
Open questions - Aim for performance reviews with open questions at the end. This will help employees to continue to grow, develop and contribute.
Show your support for your employees, reassure them that they're capable of managing all the responsabilities that falls on them. Also, give your tips and recommendations for improvement.
Though the feedback mostly focuses on past performance, you should take your conversation to a future oriented perspective.
People do want feedback, however, all the formalities make it difficult to receive or give feedback. That is why it is important to give feedback along in the way.
Choose from the options below according to the employee's competence.
Map the entire process to get everyone on the same page.
The preparation is key! Never go into a performance review without preparation.
Write here the employee's work info.
Add here the info of the employee you are having the performance review meeting with.
Les cartes mentales vous aident à faire un brainstorming, à établir des relations entre les concepts, à organiser et à générer des idées.
Cependant, les modèles de cartes mentales offrent un moyen plus facile de commencer, car il s'agit de cadres qui contiennent des informations sur un sujet spécifique avec des instructions d'orientation. Par essence, les modèles de cartes mentales assurent la structure qui combine tous les éléments d'un sujet spécifique et servent de point de départ à votre carte mentale personnelle. Ils constituent une ressource qui offre une solution pratique pour créer une carte heuristique sur un sujet particulier, que ce soit dans le domaine des affaires ou de l'éducation.
Mindomo vous propose des modèles de cartes mentales intelligentes qui vous permettent de fonctionner et de penser sans effort.
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Vous pouvez choisir parmi une variété de cartes mentales vierges provenant des comptes professionnels ou éducatifs de Mindomo, ou vous pouvez créer vos propres modèles de cartes heuristiques à partir de zéro. Toute carte heuristique peut être transformée en modèle de carte heuristique en ajoutant des notes d'orientation à l'un de ses sujets.