a Javier Sánchez-Collado 6 hónapja
Még több ilyen
People disagree less because they don't think rather than because they think differently.
Head/ butt
tolerance (of/for somebody/something)the quality of being willing to accept or tolerate somebody/something, especially opinions or behaviour that you may not agree with, or people who are not like you
tolerance (to something) the ability to suffer something, especially pain, difficult conditions, etc., without being harmed
to allow somebody to do something that you do not agree with or like
SYNONYM put up with somebody/something
tolerate somebody/something to accept somebody/something that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without complainingSYNONYM put up with somebody/something
tolerate something to be able to be affected by a drug, difficult conditions, etc. without being harmed
or zero tolerance?
tolerance (of/for somebody/something) the quality of being willing to accept or tolerate somebody/something, especially opinions or behaviour that you may not agree with, or people who are not like you
tolerance (to something) the ability to suffer something, especially pain, difficult conditions, etc. without being harmed
The spiral of silence
Those who are unwilling to speak out for fear of being isolated or ostracised.
Compare to: The Emperor's new clothes
Always yell with the crowd; that's what I say. It's the only way to be safe (G. Orwell, 1984)
The Asch experiment
Trigger warning and cancelation
The opposite of tolerance seems to be dogmatism: to Be certain that your beliefs are correct and that others should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or other opinions. Usually, those beliefs are delivered in an angry mood.
Are you a Taliban?
Have you ever changed // do you think you can change your mind on politics, football…ethics, or moral issues (abortion, women’s rights, LGTBI rights)? Global warming…? Are you adamant about those topics?
I was wrong
What or how?
Does being a fanatic depend on what we think or how we think?
Irrationality is essential to fanatism. Therefore, the aspiration to rationality is the rejection of fanatism (J. Ortega)
Do you back up your ideas using your head to think… or to butt