a ibrahim khafagy 15 éve
5 techniques
Various research methods have distinct strengths and weaknesses. Case studies offer in-depth analysis and are advantageous when experiments are impractical, but they may not reflect general populations and are purely descriptive.
5 techniques Correlations Example: Wolves, moose and tree ring width Disadvantages: no causation proof relation determination Fairly accurate prediction non-experimentalstatisticalrelation between variablessummarizingdescriptive Experimental Example: How birds remember where they stash their seeds. The studies are done in the highly controlled artificial conditions of the laboratory, that doesn’t reflect the reality. Used when it is practical and ethical only. Advantages Used when it is appropriate, both practically and ethically, to manipulate the variables. Detect cause-and-effect relationships. researcher operates the “independent variable,” to see if it causes any changes in the “dependent variable.” Case Study Disadvantages Subtopic may not be representative of the general group or population descriptive method, not an explanatory one Adv.: useful when researchers can not conduct experiment Ex.: a person's medical record in-depth records kept by outside observer nonexperimental, descriptive type of study Naturalistic Observation DisAdvantages the problemof observing without intervening things can only be observed not explained takes a lot of time Adv.: allows researcher to observe in setting where it normally occurs ex. observing volcanic eruption no human intervention researcher observes/records behavior in nature setting. Survery DisAdv.: relies on a self-report method of data collection Adv.: collecting data on aspects of behavior self-report descriptive study choice questions (e.g. True-False) or open-ended questions (e.g. short answer essay) no involvement from researcher