a Anurag Maganti 12 éve
The dot product is a mathematical operation involving two vectors, resulting in a scalar. It is calculated by multiplying corresponding components of the vectors and summing the products.
What is a dot product? The product of a vector and a scalar that yields a scalar Dot Product of u = and v= u*v=u1v1 + u2v2 Vector Components w1=projvU u=w1+w2 u and v are orthogonal if u * v = 0 w2=u-w1 w1 and w2 are orthogonal and w1 is parallel to v u and v are non zero vectors Angle Between Two Vectors cos θ=(u*v)/(ll u ll ll v ll) Properties of the Dot Product u*(v+w)=u*v+u*w 0*v=0 u*v=v*u c(u*v)=cu*v=u*cv v*v=llvll^2 Definition of Work Work= F * PQ---> Projection of u onto v ProjvU=((u*v)/( ll v ll^2)v The Dot Product of Two Vectors