a Carolina Ramos 2 éve
Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy when the fetus or embryo is not capable of surviving outside the womb. The causes of abortion can be genetic or chromosomal problems, molar pregnancies, or intrauterine fetal death.
ABORTION I think that abortion is wrong, depending on the case of each person VIDEO CAUSES molar pregnancy and partial molar pregnancy. Anembryonated pregnancy intrauterine fetal death Problems with genes or chromosomes TYPES pharmacological abortion It consists of the administration of the abortion pill (RU-486). It is usually used before the 7th week of gestation. Induced or provoked abortion Induced abortion is the interruption of pregnancy that is performed premeditated and requires experts in said procedure. Natural or spontaneous abortion Miscarriage is the involuntary loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of gestation. WHAT IS IT? Abortion is the loss of pregnancy "at a time when the fetus or embryo is not viable, that is, it is not capable of surviving outside the womb"