a Micaela Paileman 5 éve
The diverse range of activities designed to enhance learning through the integration of technology can be categorized into several types. Conceptual divergent knowledge expression includes creative tasks like making games, films, or newspapers, utilizing tools such as Puzzlemaker and Photostory.
ACTIVITY TYPES WITH TPACK 7) Participatory Divergent Knowledge Expression Engage in Historical Role play Do a Presentation 6) Product-Oriented Divergent Knowledge Expression Do a Presetation Do a Perfomance Engage in Civic Action Videoconferencing 5) Conceptual Divergent Knowledge Expression Create a Newspaper/News Magazine Scrapblog Create a Game Puzzlemaker Create a Film Photostory 4) Visual Divergent Knowledge Expression Develop a Metaphor Generate Questions Wikispaces Develop a Knowledge Web Imagination Cubed 3) Written Convergent Knowledge Expression Draw a Cartoon Comic Creater Create a Picture/Mural Paint Create an Illustrated Map PowerPoint 2) Convergent Knowledge Expression Craft a Poem Moviemaker Generate a Historical Narrative Google Docs Write an Essay 1) Knowlegde Building Take a test Scantron forms Complete charts/tables Word Create a Map Google Earth