a adibah kassim 11 éve
ALGAE simple "aquatic plants"
Algae are simple, primarily aquatic organisms that can perform photosynthesis. They exhibit both sexual and asexual reproduction methods, including binary fission, spore formation, and fragmentation.
simple "aquatic plants" taxonomy euglenophyta pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates) chrysophyta (diatoms) phaephyta (brown) rhodophyta (red) chlorophyta (green) classification based on life history patterns reproductive structures morphology of cells chlorophyll and pigments flagella number and location cell wall distribution of algae terrestrial endosymbionts in protozoa, worms, corals, fungi (lichen) moist rocks, trees, soil primarily aquatic a. planktonic- suspended in aqueous environment
b. benthic- attached and living on the bottom of water
c. neustonic- at water-atmosphere interface motility of algae a. single flagella- Euglena
b. 2 or 4 polar flagella- Chlorophyta
c. 2 flagella of different length and point of insertion- Dinoflagellates due to flagella only during sexual reproduction habitat a. aquatic habitat like fresh water
b. moist soils and artificial aquatic habitat
c. few in dry soils
d. acidic habitat algal ecology primary producers of the ocean macroscopic form secondary products human food seaweed algal reproduction sexual reproduction asexual reproduction binary fission spores fragmentation classification of algae Subtopic cell walls of algae sometime chitin or silica or no cell wall strengthened with calcium carbonate cellulose fibrils but usually modified by addition of polysaccharide characteristics a. lack of vascular conducting system
b. simple reproductive structure, lack true leaves roots, flowers photoautotrophic eucaryotic+chlorophyll and pigments